Mental Health

Suicide Prevention – Mental Health:

I raced BMX as a kid and attended church on occasions.  I believed I was a good person, I didn’t do drugs, nor did I smoke.  I was respectful to others and truly didn’t want to harm anyone, even on the track, lol.  It wasn’t until I was 19 that I came to a true understanding of what a relationship was like with Jesus Christ.  I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  What I have learned over the years, is that the flesh is real.  Even with trust in Jesus, we can have weak moments, moments of darkness.  I’ve had moments, most of them have been moments of anxiety.  There have been moments when I have been depressed, but I’m not sure these were deep depression moments.  Thank God for that.  However, I have had family and friends who have suffered from these moments.  I had a close friends (One was close to becoming family) who committed suicide.  I remember going over to speak with him and seeing the deep depression.  Sadly, when I received the call, I knew that is what had happened.  Still to this day, I can’t help but wonder if I could have done more to help him.  Prevent the outcome.

Suicide thoughts/actions and depression doesn’t care about social status.  You can be rich and famous and still suffer, and worse… choose to end your life.  I’ve known of Pastors who have ended their own lives.  This saddens me and I want to do my part to contribute to the cause of suicide prevention and mental health awareness.  I’m aware of these issues being a part of extreme sports.   Think about the mental aspect of the sports we love.  Each one has a danger element to it, and participants must place their fears aside to do well.  Almost 100% of the extreme sports are individually focused and it is you again the competition.  That takes a lot of mental preparation.  It can take a toll.

Ex2treme will donate 5% of our profits tosuicide prevention and mental health causes.We invite you to become an Ex2tremist, part of our quest to grow extreme sports and give back to worthy causes.  Together we can make the difference.